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Mouth Guard

Close up of a simple mouthguard being held up by an excited white woman.Mouthguards worn overnight, otherwise called nightguards, are a common dental appliance worn by many people of all ages. Though there are many reasons why people may wear nightguards, two of the most common conditions are bruxism (teeth grinding) and obstructive or mixed sleep apnea. You can get several types of nightguards over-the-counter, but we recommend our custom-fitted nightguards from Leavenworth Family Dental.


Bruxism affects about five to eight percent of the general population, though the prevalence rates do decrease with age. Bruxism can cause pain, jaw locking, headaches, and tooth damage. Nightguards help curb these issues by providing a barrier between your upper and lower teeth. So, while you may still make a grinding motion in your sleep, your teeth are unable to grind against each other. This protects your teeth and alleviates many of the symptoms.

Sleep Apnea

There are three main types of sleep apnea, a condition that causes patients to stop breathing while they sleep. Obstructive or mixed sleep apnea can be treated with a nightguard since the condition is, at least partially, caused by the misalignment of the jaw preventing airflow. Nightguards move the jaw forward to ensure that the airway stays open throughout the night.

Types of Nightguards

Nightguards can be either hard or soft. Hard nightguards are more durable and prevent teeth shifting, though they can take a little getting used to. Soft nightguards are more comfortable, though they have much shorter lifespans. You can also get a dual-laminate nightguard that has a hard outer shell and a soft inside.

There are three main types of nightguards produced. Stock nightguards are available from both in-person and online stores. They are inexpensive and do not mold to your mouth, so they are the least protective of all three types. Boil and bite nightguards provide a little more protection. These are placed in boiled water, which softens them so that they can be molded to the teeth. However, they are still not perfectly molded. The only way to get a perfect fit with a nightguard is by getting a custom-fitted nightguard through our office. These are the most effective for teeth grinding, sleep apnea, and symptom relief.

Custom-Fitting Procedure

Your custom-fitting procedure will take two appointments, a few days apart. In the first appointment, our dentist makes a mold of your mouth. We then supply our dental lab with this mold so that they can make a custom nightguard for you. We can also provide a coating for braces during the molding so that they do not get dirty or damaged.

The dental lab uses vacuum and pressure laminating methods to fit the nightguard material over the dental mold that was put into place. They will send it to our office, and we can schedule you for a fitting. During this second appointment, our dentist ensures that the nightguard is comfortable and adjusts the fit as needed. You should also bring the nightguard to future appointments so that we can ensure it maintains its usefulness.

For a custom-fitted nightguard, call Leavenworth Family Dental at 913-682-1550 now.

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Mouth Guard Leavenworth, KS • Leavenworth Family Dental
Protect your smile and prevent costly damage with custom mouth guards at Leavenworth Family Dental in Leavenworth, KS. Professional fit, maximum comfort. Call now!
Leavenworth Family Dental, 4500 S 4th St, Leavenworth, KS 66048-5041 / 913-682-1550 / / 2/14/2025 / Tags: dentist Leavenworth KS /